Blueberry Bush Speaks to Me
Not a burning bush but nevertheless a worthy message.
Journal writing life’s messages has been a source of healing and learning for me. The act of writing and then, rereading the entry the next day (and weekly on Sundays) anchors these truths, helping me to live into them.
7:20 a.m. yesterday we arrived in the acre blueberry patch to pick before the heat scorched us (“high 35 degrees, feels like 37”). We heard the berries ripened early in June this year rather than mid to late July and had weeks of picking. Spotting two others already working the patch spurred us to hurry and find the best spot.
Row upon row of berries – where to go? Grab a handful off this bush… off that bush. “No, not enough berries! Hurry and find a better bush.” My husband departed in search of the mother lode.
I was reluctant to follow having no clue where to go. I began picking the bush at the entrance. My mind continued to harp at me, “Not enough berries. Too small. Move on.” I stayed, continuing to pick from the first bush.
Crouching low I picked plump clusters missed by fast pickers. Repeatedly I let go of my mind’s not enough-ness siren call. I thanked the bush for its gift of berries.
After picking the branch clean, I paused…looked…listened. It seemed then; the bush directed my attention to more hidden fruit. I continued this looking, listening dance with the bush until time to move to the next. My bucket began to fill.
The call of “not enough-ness” has been a lifelong source of angst and pushing myself onward to fill it. Not enough work, time, money, love, writing ability, self worth/value…fill in the blank. After decades of healing and journalling, now I know this call is not the truth.
Still, it can niggle and even take hold if I follow its pull parading as truth.
Or I can heed the Blueberry Bush’s worthy message:
“Let go of the not enough-ness siren call - offering only angst and untruth.
Pause…Stay… Listen… Look…Breathe…Be here now.”
When I listen to the missive from the blueberry bush, I feel the angst shift and find more than enough.