Cultivating inner knowing, guidance and healing for Self & the world.

People long for a deeper, more authentic connection with themselves & others. Journal writing is the perfect practice to cultivate this connection.

Read ‘The Art of Journal Writing’ to begin or deepen your writing. 

Welcome friends. My name is Teresa Proudlove.

As a teen, journal writing helped me make sense of my thoughts and life. Little did I know then where this communion with journaling would lead me. Nor did I know that my journal would be with me throughout my life…

Through years of world travelling, owning businesses, being a columnist/writer, working as a college instructor for 28 years, through marriages, divorces, and being a single mother, my journals were there for me.

My journal is here for me now as I re-envision retirement and come to own my own wisdom and voice.

My journal supports my well being and steadfastness in this time fraught with threats to our lives and world - with daily news of war, division, pandemics, climate calamities, the need for reconciliation, and with a growing mental health and opioid crisis.

At times, a part of me questions in despair:

“How can yet another website, blog, voice make a difference in the face of a world in peril?

My inner knowing whispers to me:

Now, more than ever, we need inner knowing, guidance and healing to face each new day.

Having journaled for over five decades I feel awe and gratitude for the ever-deepening awareness of my Self and my Guidance gifted to me within my daily journal writing.

Steadily, quietly, and sometimes painfully my journal has led me into a life of introspection, reflection, dream connection, deep inner knowing, guidance and healing.

My journals have anchored my healing path to wholeness and authenticity.

I want to share the immeasurable value, joy, and healing power of journaling with you.

Click to read The Art of Journal Writing with ideas on how to begin or deepen your journaling.

“your website….pulled me in and I wanted to keep reading. Your writing tugs at my heart… I love that you look at the world with its flaws and horrors head-on and find beauty and strength in the everyday. I am looking forward to exploring some journal writing with you.” Mikaela C.

“Reading your monthly message this morning, I gained such comfort in these times of feeling lost and truly altered. And the best reminder … keep writing through it. I am inspired by your daily/weekly commitment to your journal and your spiritual/healing approach to writing and journaling.”

Thank you…for your willingness to be vulnerable for us!  Michelle

I would love to hear from you.

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